Mar. 31, 2023
Yo it's my birthday!! :D I am now officailly an adult which means a can buy lottery tickets and fireworks finally!! >:D I kinda forgot to finish writing this on my birthday so I'm just gonna go over what happened on that day because it was very eventful. So a couple days before hand the weather guys were like "hey theres gonna be bad weather for the 31st!!" and everyone was talking about it and worried. Flashforwasrd a few days to the 31st the weather was looking fine until around 11ish. Around then schools in my area started to let out their students early and I was like ok its not gonna be that bad those schools were just overreachting (they were not). So throught the day I hear about more and more schools closeing early and then I find out that my brothers school got out early and I was PISSED. Everyone in our aschool knew though that we werent gettting out because they never let us out for ANYTHING. I remember my freshman year someone litterally ran into the school with their CAR AND WE DIDNT GET A SINGLE DAY OFF!!! its so annoying. Anyways I was like "things will be fine" as I usually do AND THEN THE FREAKING SIRENS GO OFF AND I HAVE TO STAY AT THE SCHOOL FOR AN EXTRA 30 MINUTES WITH A BUNCH OF PEOpLE CRYing AND FReAKING OUT!!! It was horrible!! During that time my friends also remembered that it was my birthday and started texting me happy birthday and stuff and it was very funny. Anyways found out that only two schools in like my area didnt let out early and that was my school and a high school from two towns over. Other than that I did nothing else on my birthday because of the storms and had to wait until the next day to do anything.
Mar. 29, 2023
General Things and Thoughts
Hey dude! This is going to be a bit of a long entry because I have lots to talk about. First off I'm gonna talk about this site. I know that things haven't really been updated ever and I hope to work on that once I get off for spring break! When I first made this site I was in a web design class and was actively learning things about css and html without having to do it myself so it was a lot easier for me to get inspired to work on here. Now that that class is over it's been a bit hard for me to work on this. Also I used to work on this in my French class because I would never do anything in there but now the teacher has actaully decided to give me work and I cant go sit out in the hall anymore :( Like I said I just need the inspo to actually work on this so I've made it a point to browse other peoples sites daily so I can get back into the flow of things. This brings me to my next point which is that my school got a new system to block things we aren't supposed to be on and THEY LITERALLY BLOCKED THE WORDS "G4MES" AND I CAN"T GO ANYWHERE WITH IT I LITERALLY HAVE TO CENSOR MYSELF TO GET INTO MY OWN SITE!!!!! IT'S SO STUPIFDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDd. I found this out today when I went to go browse the Twelve Men site because it's my favorite one ever (would highly recommend if youve never looked at it before to check it out it's super cool!!) Anyways I usually go to look at their computers and I went through one of the links to get there AND IT BLOCKED ME :(((((((( So yeah that's how things have been going! :) Updates housld be coming soon hopefully!
Song of the day: The Place Where He Inserted the Blade - Black Country, New Road
Mar. 14, 2023
Junior High Kids
Hey peeps what's up!? Today I have a band concert with the junior high kids and I'm super excited for it! I'm one of the only seniors in the clarinet section so I get to be in charge and yell at children today :D I even dressed up for it and made sure I looked extra spooky and intimidating (spelling?) so that they're scared of me and I can scare them into joining marching band. I don't really like scaring them because I got to meet them all in October for our junior high day for marching band but a couple of the underclassmen told me that they were intimidated (again, spelling??) by me when they first saw me so I'm playing into that because it's slightly funny. :) I have to stay at the school until 8 though and I'm not going to enjoy that..... ALSO I HAVE A WHOLE SOLO THAT I HAVE TO PLAY AND I AM TERRIFIED !!!!!!!! After the concert though me and my friends are gonna go out to eat which is pretty cool :)
Song(s) of the day: My Castle Town - Toby Fox (Deltarune Chapter 2) This is the song I'm playing for my solo!!!!!
Disenchanted - My Chemical Romance I've been listening to a lot of mcr lately because of all the videos I keep seeing of them on tour
Jan. 26, 2023
Hey dudes I'm back!! It's been a month thats crazy! Anyways a bit of an explanation of why I was gone for so long. So this website was a little thing I picked up in my free time cause I didn't really have anything else to do but recently I started a comic for my art class and that has occupied all of my time sadly :( I hope to post it on here soon but I might forget! Anyways the comic is this super cute romancy story and the main pair meet each other in a dream! I really like how it's trning out but it's sooooo much work! ALSO THE OWL HOUSE OH My GOD it ALLL I CAN THINK ABOUT RIGHT NOW IT SO GOOOODD!!!
Song of the day: Just Like Heaven - The Cure This is the song that inspired my comic :)